Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Time Over and Again Novelette Now Available!

 ....and it has been for over five months!

Click this link to be taken to the mini-hub for my 2022 novelette Time Over and Again

Time Over and Again is the story of Len, a man who has found himself in a strange, seemingly illogical world. Not knowing how he got there--or how to leave--he wanders its terrain searching for any kind of answers, and meeting some interesting characters along the way.

You can read the full story online right now for free, with links to each chapter provided from the mini-hub. However, if you'd rather read it with all of its original, intended style, as well as own a physical copy, you can order a physical copy for yourself as well.

Whatever you do, feel free to check it out, and be on the lookout for more short stories and other works from me in the future.

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