Sunday, September 10, 2023

Electric Attraction Out Now!

Check out Electric Attraction, written by me and Illustrated by my awesome fiancée, Sarah Stanaway! A WebToon series, it is the romantic dramedy story of Glen and Analise, college students navigating the harsh and complicated world of 21st-century dating. After meeting in excitingly turbulent fashion, the two struggle against the ever-growing stresses of maturing in a world filled with impossible expectations, endless distractions, and hard decisions while trying to tackle the timelessly troubling world of romance. In the hardship of modern life, can these two truly make things work?

The first 3 chapters are out now, with further chapters set to be released on Mondays! Give it a follow and share it around if you like it, and have a great day!

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Time Over and Again Novelette Now Available!

 ....and it has been for over five months!

Click this link to be taken to the mini-hub for my 2022 novelette Time Over and Again

Time Over and Again is the story of Len, a man who has found himself in a strange, seemingly illogical world. Not knowing how he got there--or how to leave--he wanders its terrain searching for any kind of answers, and meeting some interesting characters along the way.

You can read the full story online right now for free, with links to each chapter provided from the mini-hub. However, if you'd rather read it with all of its original, intended style, as well as own a physical copy, you can order a physical copy for yourself as well.

Whatever you do, feel free to check it out, and be on the lookout for more short stories and other works from me in the future.

Friday, February 11, 2022

New short story up! Check it out!

 Hey, long time, no post! I just posted a brand new short story called Night of the Goo! on the site, be sure to go check it out! Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed spitefully writing it. ;)

UPDATE JUNE 3rd: I have temporarily removed Night of the Goo! from public viewing on this site, but it should return momentarily as I am in the process of moving it to a new site for hosting.

UPDATE JUNE 5th: The story is back up on, so the link should now work once again! Happy it's back for anybody who hasn't gotten a chance to check it out yet; hope you enjoy it!

Friday, May 28, 2021

ICYMI: There is a new "Game Reviews" tab! I now have two reviews up, with more to follow (eventually.) There is also a new "Novelettes" tab, which I think should be of particular note. More on that, soon, but the gist of it is that I have some upcoming serialized stories that I'll be posting here. Stay tuned :)

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Upcoming Series

So, assuming anybody is visiting this website, you may have noticed that Chronicles of the Astro-Corps has been removed from the site. This is because I will soon be releasing it as a series of full-length novels. As a result, I decided it was best to remove the story from this website and instead use that page for updates and promotion for the books. Please do stay tuned, though, as I am certainly still working on it as well as many other stories to eventually upload here! Thanks for reading!

Sunday, August 27, 2017

Welcome to my website! Here, I will periodically post things that I have written for your enjoyment. Please peruse the site to find something you like. Feedback is appreciated, as well! Enjoy!